In the heart of every community lies a place of tranquillity, spirituality, and community engagement – a mosque. Beyond its role as a house of worship, Falkirk Central Mosque serves as a central hub for various services that cater to the diverse needs of its congregation. There are many rites of passage for Muslims during their time in this world from birth to education, to marriage, and inevitably death. Falkirk Central Mosque offers a range of services catering to the spiritual and communal needs of its congregation. These include daily prayers, religious classes, counselling, community events, charitable initiatives, and welcoming space for reflection, fostering a sense of unity and devotion.
Ask The Imam
Do you have a burning question about Islamic marriage, bereavement, Fiqh, or even matters relating to Sharia? Seeking knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim. Click below to ask your Imam.
Learning the Islamic way of life is essential for everyone regardless of age or gender. We offer a range of classes and Islamic studies from Qaida to Hifz. Click below to register.
Funeral Service
During our time on earth we all must prepare for our Akhira however in the unfortunate event of the death of our loved ones, we offer a range of funeral and bereavement services. Click below to find out more and register.
Regular Events
As well as celebrating key events throughout the Islamic calendar, we also hold regular events and gatherings to educate and reignite your passion for Islam. Click below to find out more.
Help and Support Your Masjid
Your contribution will help us to maintain and develop the wide range of services we offer. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Allah said: ‘Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’”